Homecoming Victory for Men’s Soccer

After a few struggling weeks by the men’s soccer team, it seems as though homecoming was a big help against a struggling Memphis team. After a pair of goals in both halves, Temple came away with a 4-0 blowout, similar to the Football team’s 49-10 blowout earlier in the day.

All four goals were spread evenly by Joonas Jokinen, Justin Stoddart, Jared Martinelli, and Jorge Gomez-Sanchez.

This blowout is Temple’s first inter-conference win of the season as they have now raised their record to 8-3-2. Memphis’ goalkeeper just didn’t know how to contest any of Temple’s shots as Temple only took six shots on goal, yet four of the six went in.

In contrast, Alex Cagle only had to contest two shots on goal, and stopped both of them. This could be exactly what Temple needs to get back in the groove of things to make the rest of the season go as smoothly as the start did. This could very well be comeback season for the Owls.

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