The Adobe Creative Jam has come to Temple University! For the first time ever, students, creative leaders, and audience members were able to interact with some of Adobe App’s, Experience Design and Spark, in the name of competition and creativity in Mitten Hall on Monday.

Founder and CEO of BlueCadet, Josh Goldblum, was one of the Creative Leaders who presented on stage. Goldblum used his time on stage to explain some of the projects his team at BlueCadet has completed–including “Banana Pong.”
“What was kinda of amazing was that you could actually play a very active game of pong using capacitated fruit,” Goldblum said.
Goldblum showed the audience the trial-and-error footage as well as the end product.
Jason Kernevich, one of the Principals & Creative Directors of The Heads of State, also presented as a Creative Leader focused on facing the students with questions in hopes to get them to work harder.
Kernevich asked, “What do you do with that time that’s made up by technology? How much is enough work? And how do you know when to stop?

Kernevich’s presentation was also lighthearted–despite the competition aspect of the night.
Kernevich shared one of his favorite sayings, “If it ain’t broke broke maybe just fix it a tiny bit so it’s marketable to a younger design-savvy audience” to remind the audience members to never be complacent with their work.
Before the Jam began, team members were placed into groups at random and placed into one of two categories: U-X Design or Social Campaign. In just three hours, those in U-X Design had to create an app and those in Social Campaign had to create a website.
Team members met only once before the competition Madelaina Murphy, from Team Squad, explained their process.
“We met up once before today and just talked about what we think each of us could do role wise and that was pretty much the only preparation we could do, since we weren’t given are theme until today,” Murphy explained.

Competitors didn’t get the theme until the day of and the theme, “Identity,” surprised many of the competitors.
Team Squad member, Dianne Ogalesco, explained what was going on through their minds when they found out what the theme was.
“We were very shocked and we were brainstorming on like what the theme could be because we thought it was going to be about like an animal shelter or give us more details but they literally just gave us one word, Ogalesco stated.
The presenters, food, and photo booth didn’t take away from the main event: the awards. There were two awards per category: one judge-led and the other audience led. In addition to a glass award, each winner received a year subscription to Adobe’s Creative Cloud.

Team Squad won the audience choice award for their app, “Advocatr.” Murphy explained that they were initially surprised at the results.
“I think that we were just shocked–we weren’t expecting it, but at the same time we knew that we put a lot of hard work in to it,” Murphy said.
This isn’t the end for “Advocatr,” team members, Madelaina Murphy, and Temple Update’s very own, Jake Zebley, both made it clear that the app they created, wouldn’t be the final version.
“I mean a couple of us are design students so we could end up getting together and flushing it out even more and maybe [redesigning it] or like maybe going back to it in the future,” Murphy suggested.
“Cleaning it up, We only had three hours,” Zebley added.
Other team members Wafa Labadi and Dianne Ogalesco agreed.
Adobe hopes to be able to make this event annual for Temple.
To view all of the websites and apps created by the competitors, click here.
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