Over 800 Temple University faculty members voted “no confidence” in Board of Trustees chair Mitchell Morgan and provost Gregory Mandel.
TAUP’s President, Jeffrey Doshna, said during the conference, “our concerns about the management of Temple were never about one person, but about the way those in senior leadership failed in the past several years to live up to Temple mission as Philadelphias public research university.”
This vote represents nearly 81% of the 1,030 members (825 out of 1,030) who voted within TAUP, which includes faculty, academic professionals, and librarians who have concerns about Temple’s current administration.
The vote comes after weeks of criticism on how Temple Administration has handled certain issues such as the 42 day TUGSA strike, dwindling enrollment, and the safety of campus.
Acting President JoAnne Epps released a statement following the outcome of the vote saying administration quote “respects and takes seriously the sentiment expressed by TAUP” and that as a community it’s important to share our views to move forward.
Jeffrey Doshna confirmed het met with Epps and a chair member to discuss the future of Temple, “and made it clear that we, as faculty, academic professionals, librarians and TAUP are ready to work together to ensure Temple’s success in the years to come.”
The no confidence vote is purely symbolic and no immediate action will be taken from it, however Jeffrey Doshna told Temple Update that the voting results share a message, that there needs to be some changed done and TAUP is ready to be apart of those conversations.
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