They patrol around campus all day on their bikes. They are the “eyes and ears” of Temple’s campus. Their goal is to serve the University community, protect life and property, and to enforce the law.
Gene Cummings, the District Manager for Allied Universal Security Services, spoke about their mission and explained their main priorities. He emphasized the fact that they assist the campus police and report every crime to them.
When patrolling, they observe “different conditions, reporting incidents that they see on the street, helping students and citizens with complaints that they may have,” said Cummings.

Gloria Chapple, a Temple security guard, was very proud for her job.
“Everybody knows me. All the students call me Ms. G and they look for me,” she said as she smiled. “You have to love what you do and do what you love. That’s what I do when I am out there.”

Next to “Ms. G” was her supervisor, Ben Rosario. Rosario used to be a security guard and now is supervising, aiming to have them prepared every day.
“We help in every way we can, from escorts to just finding a vehicle,” said Rosario.
“My advice [to students] would be to be more aware, more effective in their surroundings. Walk in groups at all time, keeping an eye when walking instead of in the phone,” said Rosario.
The Campus Safety Services believes that the Walking Escort Program is a useful service for all students. They stated that there is always a security guard available to help and escort a student to his or her residence as their main priority is the safety of students.
The Walking Escort Program works 24/7, for Temple University students and can be accessed at 215-777-9255.
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