Holiday Health Tips

With the Holiday season in full force starting with Thanksgiving, it is no secret that people have the tendency to overindulge. Research shows that the average American gains three to five pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years. While that may not sound like a lot to some, the problem is that most people do not end up shedding the extra weight post-holidays. Great News! There are many ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the holiday season.

Senior Associate Director of Campus Recreation at Temple University said it best: “Anything in moderation is good and it is important to try to maintain whatever your workout regimen is during that time.” The key to keeping weight goals in check is to make them realistic. It is not wise to set the goal to lose weight. Rather, set the goal to maintain your current weight.

Temple Students have a variety of options to stay fit during the holidays. During fall break, campus fitness centers will be open until Wednesday, November 26th, and select facilities will re-open on Sunday, November 30. Temple junior Daniel Chery makes it a goal to enjoy his Thanksgiving feast, but noted, “If I am going to consume a lot of food, I try to balance it out with working out, going to the gym, and getting some cardio.” Likewise, freshman Tara Doherty likes to go to hot yoga a few times a week to stay in shape.

Dr. Warren Huberman, a specialist in weight control at New York University Medical Center acknowledges, “You’ve got the stress of the holidays, along with a lack of sleep, and you’ve got all this food beckoning you at every turn.” While this is the case for most Americans, it should not create the desire to deprive food. Deprivation should never be an option when trying to avoid gaining weight over the holidays. Do not worry about eating that slice of pumpkin pie or digging into the stuffing, but try to eat slowly and take a pause between each bite. This will allow your body to realize when it is full and help you from gaining those extra pounds.

It is important to remember to enjoy what you eat, but keep moving your feet. A healthy lifestyle means balance, moderation, smart eating choices, and thirty to sixty minutes of exercise every day.


1. Do not skip meals

2. Schedule time to exercise

3. Eat slowly and chew every bite

4. Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed

5. Skip your least favorite holiday treat

6. Bake your own healthy dish if you know there will only be unhealthy options

7. Get the proper amount of sleep when you can

8. ENJOY YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY, do not make your focus stress over eating

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