
A Temple Alumni and entrepreneur is making a splash in North East Philly. David Barnes and his wife Melissa joined forces and founded Scubadelphia in September 2011.

The scuba shop has seen growth within the past three and a half years, offering not only scuba gear yet certifying classes as well.

Barnes says, “In the time we’ve expanded. The shop used to be very bare but now we have a ton of gear and certify a lot of students.”

The scuba team certifies up to 160 students a year. There are  a couple ways to get your feet wet in scuba diving. Scuba enthusiasts can take classes in a classroom setting before hitting the open water. In the classrooms students get PADI certified, which is recognized worldwide as a certified scuba diver and lasts a lifetime.

The second way to get certified is through the “Discover Scuba” program at the local pool.  Here is where you get a basic run down of what the equipment is and what it is used for before you get into the water and experience weight less ness at the deep end.

For more information on Scubadelphia, visit:

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