The Department of Aortic and Endovascular surgery at Temple University Hospital is in the process of getting a new device known as a multilayer stent, approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The approval of this stent has the potential to draw in tens of thousands of Americans each year who suffer from a condition known as an aortic aneurysm.
An aortic aneurysm is a unique heart condition that is characterized by a formation of a life-threatening bulge in the aorta. The multilayer stent is a minimally invasive alternative to an otherwise extensive and risky surgery. Instead of working in the traditional manner to contain blood within the aneurysm, the multilayer stent functions to change configurations of blood flow.
Once approved, Temple University Hospital will be the first place in the United States to insert this stent, establishing TUH as leaders of endovascular technology throughout the nation. The success of the device will provide the university with wider access to research technologies and will ultimately allow greater opportunities for the general Temple community.
Note: Picture courtesy of Temple University School of Medicine.
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