Philadelphia Opens Satellite Election Offices

The way you vote in this 2020 election will be different than ever before. COVID-19 has made voters apprehensive about going to the polls to vote.

For this reason, the city of Philadelphia announced Monday at Temple’s Liacouras Center, a new way to make voting safe and easy.

It all starts with satellite election offices. These offices are located all around the city and allow voters to register, request and return their mail-in ballots all in one stop.

“What I believe that these vote centers will do, is they will give people an extra sense of security when deciding to vote by mail” says, Commissioner Chairwoman Lisa Deeley.

Commissioner Deely says the satellite offices will be equipped with safety measures.

“When you check in, there’s a check in table where there’s sanitizers, sanitizing wipes, masks, and at the check in station they’ll ask if you’re feeling okay. We’ve also marked the floor for social distancing.”

Residents of Philadelphia believe this new system will help voters who are afraid of going out to the polls for safety reasons.

“Well I’m hoping these satellite places will alleviate the whole crowd thing and everything for the people that go to the polls” said Philadelphia voter Gwen Harrison.

There are currently seven locations that are opened including the Liacouras Center. The other six locations are City Hall Room 140, George Washington High School, Roxborough High School, Tiden Middle School, Julia De Burgos Elementary and Overbrook Elementary School.

The city says 10 more satellite election offices will open in the coming weeks and you can find a list of those on the city’s website.

The city hopes this new system will help encourage Philadelphia residents to exercise their constitutional right to vote

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