Democrats are doing as much as they can to invigorate voters and send them to the polls this November.
Pennsylvania Democrats hosted a rally at the Dell Music Center on Friday, September 21 that was headlined by Former President Barack Obama. Other speakers included Governor Tom Wolf and Senator Bob Casey.
The event officially kicked off at around 4 p.m., but people had been lining up outside since 11 a.m. that morning.
“I think it’s really important to get involved and know like the facts and stuff like that,” said freshman Media Studies and Production major Rebekah Santos. “So, what’s a better primary source than, you know, a former president?”
Throughout his half-hour speech, Obama touched on many of the issues that Democrats have been supporting this entire election cycle such as women’s rights and criminal justice reform. The former president also praised Governor Tom Wolf for all that he has done for Medicare and Medicaid in the state.

“I came here to deliver a very simple message, and that is to vote,” said Obama.
Mary Gay Scanlon, the Democratic candidate for Pennsylvania’s 5th congressional district, said it was extremely invigorating to be on stage with President Obama so close to the elections. Scanlon also said the Blue Wave is important because it shows just how much people are angry with their government.
“We have a congressman from Maryland who says this year, voting is like driving”, said Scanlon.” If you want to move forward, you have to push ‘D’. And if you want to move backward, push ‘R’.”
Even President Obama expressed his optimism coming into the homestretch of this midterm election cycle.
“I want to talk about the fact that I’m actually hopeful right now,” said Obama. “And the reason I’m hopeful is because out of this political darkness, I see a great awakening happening.”
The senatorial campaign for Congressman Lou Barletta, Senator Bob Casey’s opponent, said President Obama’s visit highlights the flaws and weaknesses Senator Casey has going into November.
“Barack Obama coming in to campaign for Bob Casey shows just how vulnerable Casey is,” said Barletta campaign Press Secretary David Jackson. “Just like Bob Casey, Barack Obama hiked taxes, made the world more dangerous with his irresponsible Iran nuclear deal, created double-digit unemployment, and made health care exponentially more expensive. We’ll continue to focus on looking forward to building on our current success for the future, not live in the hopeless failures of the past.”
The Barletta campaign said they were not holding any campaign events at this time seeing Congressman Barletta was away in Washington working.
Polls in Pennsylvania will open on November 6, giving candidates less than two months to deliver their final pitches to voters.
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